Monday 28 September 2015

The Age of Adolescence

The Birth of the Muhigum Ongsimang Lingden Phalgunanda

Chapter 2
The Age Of Adolescence

Gradually, Phalamsing stepped in his adolescence, working as a shepherd boy. Two of his elder brothers and already left Chukchinamba to settle down elsewhere (outside Nepal). Meanwhile, his father, Ansuwanta, also decided to abandon the village because of scarcity of food in spite of toiling hard round the year. Nevertheless, Phalamsing, perhaps because of nostalgia or with expectation of meeting the same "Divine Person", decided to continue staying in his native village, Chukchinamba. His parents went to Charkhola, Jeetpur where they had their relatives, but again, they migrated to Rajurukh (Bhutan), finally.
Now, Phalamsing was alone and he lived under the care of his uncle and aunt. The days were passing happily and everything was normal. But, since Phalamsing was a vegetarian, he could not adjust with non-vegetarian uncle and aunt; consequent upon this, he would often fall sick. One day, he understood his problems and advised him, Saila, now you have become matured and responsible, since it is difficult to adjust our meals (vegetarian and non-vegetarian), it will be better if you start dwelling separately. "Phalamsing did not feel otherwise; he too, had been experiencing inconveniences for a long time. Then, he was given a portion of land in Lechhebhung across a small rivulet and an earthen pot, two handful of flour, a sickle knife, a spade, an aluminum plate, a bowl and some chickens. Thus, he started his world there.

During those days, very few people used money as the medium of exchange. In the most cases, the system of รข€˜barter' was very popular. People would use money for buying articles like salt and clothes only and they would get money to buy these articles by selling fowls and goats. In course of time, Phalamsing could manage to multiply a good number of chickens. But, since he was a vegetarian, he had neither the scope of exchanging them nor he could consume them. The number of chickens kept on increasing. One day, one of his friends, suggested to go to Gundri Bazar (Darjeeling) to sell the fowls at a good price. Carrying a basket full of fowls, he set off for Darjeeling through the terrain's and foot-trails of Khalanga (Ilam), Namshaling, Sukabare, Gorkhe and Simana. The Namshalling, he slipped and fell down because of heavy downpour. Somehow he managed to reach Darjeeling. After selling the fowls, he reached Ghoom on return journey. Ghoom , he found a number of people being recruited as labourers for Nathung War.

It was 1960 B.S. and Tibet was the kingdom of Dalai Lama and to south of Nepal, the Imperialist, British, East Indian Company was the ruler of India. The then Governor General of India Lord Carson was busy making strategy of invading Tibet because he was offended with the decision of Dalai Lama who had allowed the Russian Ambassador to be in Lhasa. The Prime Minister of Nepal had also presented a number of Yaks as a souvenir to British Imperialist.

Phalamsing and his friend also got instigated to get themselves recruited as labourers as they watched the soldiers moving around in their clean outfit around Ghoom Depot. Both of them decided to visit other countries to earn money. Then, they on board, the vehicles and got off at the British recruitment camp in Tibet. They started working as wage-labourers and their duty was to construct roads by cutting snowy sloped of mountains. It was not an easy job; there was heavy risk in every step. Sometimes, the workers would be swept away by the avalanches and killed. Many of them were either killed or injured but, luckily, Phalamsing was one of the survivors. The workers, however, had to continue their work even in the terrible avalanches, it was their fate.

The workers would assemble together every evening and entertain by singing, dancing, drinking and merry-making but, Phalamsing would keep himself aloof from the group. One day, after 4 days of an avalanche, while he was alone, strolling around, the same event of his childhood days got repeated. He visualized the same "Divine Person" in his dream like state of mind and he got spell blind. Person stood in front and suggested, "I had expected that expected that you'd continue your devotion and convert others also to be my devotees but why did you forget me? If you ignore me, you won't be able to reform the existing ignorant people and society, Speed up... continues your devotion and let others also follow the same path of salvation." This was the divine message conveyed by the Divine Person. He was reminded of those golden God's commandments and ordered to implement them as soon as possible. As he came out of his dream like state, the Divine Person had already vanished, suddenly he started chanting Golden sentences of Almighty God internally and he felt a reawakening of his soul. He looked at the bright moon in the sky, it was full moon night. Lord Buddha had also attained enlightenment on the same date some 2500 years ago. It was a tip-toe night, deepening silence had engulfed the environment and slowly and seriously, he started remembering and chanting the verses. Thus he initiated his first meditation on the very night staging in the jungle for the whole night.

The next morning, he repeated the sermons of Gods to his fellow workers thinking that would affect them positively, but, they mocked him by calling him mad. The negative response of his fellow workers depressed him very much. He started brooding about such irresponsible behaviour of his friends. Then, he realized that it is very different to deliver the mind of them who have been the slaves of worldly pleasure and luxuries and who are destined to live according to the actions of the previous birth. After that, he made up his mind collected his salary and took leave from the supervisor. Here, a question may arise-why he (a hermit like person) needed money? Actually, he needed money to go back to his village and also to buy gifts for the sisters of the village as it was the system of the village and they (the sisters) would also expect gifts from their brothers who returned to the village.


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